History of Abortion Laws in Canada
Canadian Criminal Code British prohibitions against abortion were the law
Partial-Birth Abortion Ban
When Brenda Pratt Shafer, a registered nurse, was asked to
The Hidden Victim in the Game of Abortion Statistics ( 2001statistics)
By Lyn Smith If you are an avid Solitaire player
The Hidden Victim in the Game of Abortion Statistics ( 2001statistics)
By Lyn Smith If you are an avid Solitaire player
Abortion Statistics Not Accurate in Canada (2002 statistics)
By Lyn Smith Once again we do not have accurate
Induced Abortion Statistics In Canada for 2005
Statistics Canada reported that there were 96,815 induced abortions performed
Induced Abortion Statistics in Canada for 2007
What can be said about the state of abortion
Abortion statistics for 2009 as reported by the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI)
The Canadian Institute for Health Information reported that there were 93,755
Medical & Psychological Effects
Abortion and Breast Cancer: Only fuzzy math can make the ABC link disappear
By Dr. Joel Brind It looks like "déjà-vu all over
Long Term Health Consequences of Induced Abortion
By Paul Ranalli, M.D. It is hard to overestimate the
Abortion nearly four times deadlier than childbirth
New Government Study In Finland Ignored by Abortion Providers. A
Abortion is forever
By Angela Dickieson February 5th was the date that changed
Abortion-Psychological Risks
Content Questionnaires: cause for concern The damage being
Abortion Alternatives
Rape & Abortion
Adoption: Celebrate Beautiful Possibility
November is National Adoption Awareness Month. We would like to
Adoption : A loving option
November being Adoption Awareness Month, Life Canada (as does Action
Adoption, a loving option
November is National Adoption Awareness month. If you are pregnant
Abortion Myths
Planned Parenthood Director quits after witnessing an abortion procedure
Abby Johnson is a former Planned Parenthood director of
A fetus IS a person
From: Action Life To: letters@thecitizen.canwest.com Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Abortion Myths. It’s time for the facts to be known…
Unborn child 8 weeks from conception Myth: Abortion is basically