If you haven’t been able to find the information you’re looking for on our website, you may be able to find what you’re looking for on one of the sites below.
Notice: Links to external sites do not imply any endorsement or guarantee of content. Action Life does not assume any liability or responsibility whatsoever for the operation of, or content at, any of the linked resources, nor for any of the interpretations, comments or opinions expressed therein. These sites may or may not be available in French.
abortionincanada.ca – This site was created to mark the 20th anniversary of unrestricted legal abortion in Canada. This site lists Facts, Stats, History, Health, Methods and Funding for abortion in Canada.
abortionpillreversal.ca Abortion Pill Reversal – A Second Change. Call 1-888-612-3690
abortionrisks.org – A clearing house site for post-abortion research and information.
adoptionincanada.ca – Looking for help with an unplanned pregnancy? We have the information and resources to support you.
allianceforlife.org – Promotes the sanctity of all human life from conception/fertilization to natural death.
abortionbreastcancer.ca – (Canadian site) Most women seeking abortions are not informed of one major risk – breast cancer. This web-site has excellent information including research, facts and stats.
abortionbreastcancer.com – (U.S. site). Excellent source of information including a biological explanation of how abortion leaves a women with more cancer-vulnerable cells in her breasts than she had before she became pregnant.
abortionchangesyou.com/ – a new national outreach powerfully illustrates the far reaching impact of abortion upon those it touches. Many women, men, grandparents, siblings, other family members and friends are seeking to make sense of their own or a loved one’s abortion experience. Whether you have personally experienced abortion, someone close to you has, or you are seeking to sensitively and compassionately communicate with others about abortion – Abortion Changes You is a place to begin.
afterabortion.org This is the web’s most complete source of information on the aftereffects of abortion and post-abortion healing. Links to thousands of pages of original research, testimonies, articles, and resources.
afterabortion.org – A recent study of women in the United States has found that women who had abortions were more likely to be at increased risk of mental health disorders.
bcpinstitute.org – Dedicated to providing the most up-to-date and accurate information to medical professionals and the general public on how to prevent breast cancer. Dr. Joel Brind, PhD who, in October 1996, with colleagues from the Penn State College of Medicine in Hershey published a “Comprehensive Review and Meta-analysis” on ABC (abortion-breast cancer) in the British Medical Association’s Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.
benotafraid.net – Benotafraid.net is an online outreach to parents who have received a poor or difficult prenatal diagnosis. The family stories, articles, and links within this site are presented as a resource for those who may have been asked to choose between abortion or continuing on despite the diagnosis. The benotafraid.net families faced the same decision and chose not to abort. By sharing our experiences, we hope to offer encouragement to those who may be afraid to continue on.
chninternational.com – Anti-euthanasia organization. The Compassionate Healthcare Network is an Associated member of the World Federation of Doctors Who Respect Human Life – over 350,000 physicians in 70 countries.
choice42.com/resources-ontario/ – List of Pregnancy Centres in Ontario
corethics.org – commentary on reproductive ethics.
deveber.org The Deveber Institute for Bioethics and Social Research is an independent institute committed to interdisciplinary research in biomedical ethics and the effects of technology on family and social life.
ethicsandmedicine.com Since 1984, Ethics & Medicine has tackled the tough issues of bioethics from an international perspective. The journal reasserts the Hippocratic consensus in medicine on the conviction that only a robust medical professionalism is able to withstand the challenges of emerging technologies and their clinical applications. Such issues include: Cloning, Reproductive Technologies, Euthanasia and Assisted-suicide, Stem-Cell research, Contraception, Definition of Death, etc.
epcc.ca – Euthanasia Prevention Coalition – opposes the promotion or legalization of euthanasia and assisted suicide.
euthanasia.com – Information for research on Euthanasia, Physician-Assisted Suicide, Living Wills, and Mercy Killing.
feministsforlife.org – Pro-woman and pro-life organiation dedicated to eliminating the root causes that drive many women to have abortions i.e. lack of resources and support.
http://www.genethique.org/ – Bilingual French and English research site on bioethics, including cloning, embryonic research, and euthanasia, among others. Des dossiers d’actualité–clonage, recherche sur l’embryon, cellules souches, euthanasie, dépistage, lois de bioéthique, arrêt Perruche…
gravityteen.com – Build confidence and self-esteem through teen stories and advice. Quality website for young adults.
lifecanada.org – Promotes the sanctity of human life from fertilization to natural death through public education. Advocate for the preborn, the disabled, the infirm and the elderly who are all uniquely created by God.
lifeissues.org Their mission is assuring, through education, equal protection under the law for all living humans from the beginning of their biological life at fertilization until natural death.
Lifesitenews.com – an effective and central electronic resource for those who want to know more about life ethics issues in Canada, as well as for those who are already involved in the pro-life movement. Worth a daily visit is the Lifesite Daily News.
http://livingwithtrisomy13news.blogspot.ca/ – We are dedicated to assisting families of children with trisomy and other rare diagnoses.We believe in embracing life one moment at a time and provide support to families who chose to carry to term.
http://www.morgentalerdecision.ca/ The Supreme Court of Canada’s 1988 Morgentaler Decision: Contrary to what many Canadians think, the Supreme Court of Canada, in its landmark 1988 Morgentaler decision striking down Canada’s abortion law, did not recognize a constitutional right to abortion. Nor did the Court “settle” the abortion issue as is often claimed.
ncln.ca – National Campus Life Network is the only national organization that exists to educate, network and support post-secondary pro-life students across Canada. We work to maximize the promotion and effectiveness of the pro-life message on campus, while minimizing the excess work for busy students. Nowhere is there a greater urgency for the pro-life message than on the university campus. The university is the place where the ideas and values of our society take root. An active pro-life presence is needed to promote ideas and values that embrace the objective truth that all human life is worthy of protection.
nightingalealliance.org – Promotes compassionate, medical, emotional, and social care at the end of life, allowing each individual to be treated with respect until natural death occurs; and opposes the life-ending acts of physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia.nrlc.org – National Right to Life Committee (US). A wealth of educational pro-life information.
http://www.patientsrightscouncil.org/site/ – Addressing euthanasia, assisted suicide, advance directives, disability rights, pain control and more.
www.personhood.ca – This website serves to educate the public on the scientific and ethical truth of personhood.
pccef.org – Physicians for Compassionate Care affirms an ethic based on the principle that all human life is inherently valuable and that the physician’s roles are to heal illness, alleviate suffering, and provide comfort for the sick and dying. PCCEF promotes compassionate care for severely ill patients without sanctioning or assisting their suicide.
physiciansforlife.ca – Founded in 1975, this organization is a non-profit, charitable organization of Canadian physicians dedicated to the respect and ethical treatment of every human being, regardless of age or infirmity.
http://www.pop.org/ – The Population Research Institute is a non-profit research group whose goals are to expose the myth of overpopulation, to expose human rights abuses committed in population control programs, and to make the case that people are the world’s greatest resource. Our growing, global network of pro-life groups spans over 30 countries.
prenatalpartnersforlife.org – Support information & encouragement for carrying to term with an adverse prenatal diagnosis and support for raising your child with special needs after birth
http://www.priestsforlifecanada.com/ – A national ministry which assists clergy and all Christians across the country to advance the cause of life.
http://www.theradiancefoundation.org/–The Radiance Foundation exists to inspire people to embrace their intrinsic value and live a life of meaning. We are an educational life-affirming organization. Through creative ad campaigns, powerful multi-media presentations, and compassionate community outreach, we illuminate the intrinsic value each person possesses. We educate audiences about pressing societal issues and how they impact the understanding of individual Purpose. We motivate people to positively affect their families, their schools and their communities.
Rachel’s Vineyard Ministries – Rachel’s Vineyard is a spiritual ministry for healing after abortion. Retreats, support groups and counseling are some of the many programs offered by the organization, a ministry of Priests for Life.
rebeccakiessling.com Rebecca Kiessling was conceived in rape. She is a pro-life speaker, author of “Conceived in Rape: A Story of Hope” and has appeared on Good Morning America, CNN and CBS news.
refusmedical.blogspot.ca – Un Collectif de médecins québécois se mobilisent contre l’introduction de l’euthanasie et du suicide assisté dans les soins.
Regent University-History of Euthanasia – Regent University site chronicles the history of euthanasia. This excellent site provides a historical context for understanding today’s euthanasia debate, clearly identifying the genocidal roots of euthanasia in Germany during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
rtl-toronto.org – The Right to Life Association of Toronto and Area is a volunteer, non-sectarian, human rights organization dedicated, through education, to providing a sure and certain voice regarding the care and protection of the unborn, women hurt by abortion, the infirm, the disabled and the aged.
RU486facts.org – An excellent source of accurate information on the dangers and controversy surrounding the abortion drug ru486
standupgirl.com Fantastic website dedicated to young women. Video and more….
stemcellresearch.org – Great web-site, lots of articles on stem cell research.
stemcellresearchfacts.org – Stem Cell Research Facts (SCRF) serves as a valuable resource for individuals, families and organizations seeking more education and awareness related to life-threatening or life-changing diseases and conditions. SCRF provides concise information and scientific facts for those of us who are not scientists, researchers or medical professionals. Also, the site illustrates how current adult treatments and therapists directly impact the lives of patients and their families today – as opposed to debating the merits of other types of stem cell research.
http://www.theradiancefoundation.org/ ILLUMINATING TRUTH about individual purpose through ad campaigns, multimedia presentations and community outreach.
totalrefusal.blogspot.ca – We are an alliance of Quebec physicians who oppose legalization of euthanasia and assisted suicide.
teensforlife.com An excellent pro-life web-site just for teens. Information on dealing with peer pressure, suicide, depression, abortion, RU-486 abortion drug, and much more.
www.trisonomy13archive.com – Offering support resources and bringing together families who have a child with an extra Chromosone 13.
Vitae Caring Foundation – Excellent information resource on stem cell research. The Foundation also creates informative commercials on stem cell issues, available for viewing on the site.
vivredignite.com – Nous croyons en une société où tous et chacun ont la possibilité de vivre dans la dignité. Une société solidaire qui assure à ses citoyens et citoyennes une fin de vie naturelle et respectueuse de la personne.
www.womenhurt.com – Facing abortion regret – Women hurt is a project initiated by women who regret their abortions and wish to share their stories of hope and healing with women who find themselves in similar situations.
www.unborn.com Shari is an Obstetrical Ultrasound Expert and Educator whose medical experience spans 32 years. She is the founder of Sound Wave Images through which she produced the videos, “Window to the Womb”, “Eyewitness To The Earliest Days Of Life”, “Eyewitness 2..The Next Generation” and the CD “9 Months..from Conception to Birth and Beyond”. Her ultrasound footage has educated millions on fetal development and child birth issues.