Saturday, August 1, 2020

PEI abortion rates double in two years

CIHI notes in their published stats that:
“Induced abortions are not performed in clinics in Prince Edward Island.”
Yet you can see from the chart below that Health PEI, not only reports abortions in PEI clinics, but that they report more abortions in clinics than in hospitals. According to the FOI I received from Health PEI, the clinic in question is the Women’s Wellness Program & Sexual Health Services. It seems that Health PEI must be tracking these clinic abortions as hospital abortions. But there are also a few abortions being reported in a hospital setting.

Also medical abortions have been taking place since 2015 in PEI, albeit a very small number of them.

And as you can see, PEI Health’s abortion numbers are quite different from CIHI’s numbers.

The most troubling part of these numbers is that were more than twice as many abortions performed in 2019 (143) as were done in 2017 (67). Abortion rates (as reported by PEI Health) are clearly increasing.