Repeat abortion in England
Abortion statistics available in England and Wales will tell you much about the practice of abortion there. According to the Mail Online, repeat abortions account for a third of all abortions performed in England and Wales. Repeat abortions cost the National Health Service the staggering sum of around £1million a week!
In Croydon half of all abortions were carried out on women who had previously had at least one abortion. Some women have as many as 7-9 abortions in their lifetime. The statistics show that repeat abortions are highest among single or unmarried women with five out of six repeat abortions done on this group. These figures confirm that abortions are overwhelmingly a lifestyle choice and not a medical one.
The Mail Online reports that most repeat abortions take place in London.
Here, the Ontario government passed an amendment to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy ACT (FIPPA) in January 2012 to exclude the disclosure of abortion data from the act. So abortion data are no longer available through FIPPA. Why the secrecy? What would we learn if more data were available?