Promoting respect for human life from conception to natural death through education.
Action Life is a non-denominational, non-profit organization dedicated to the defence of human life through public education. Members of Action Life subscribe to the following principles:
- The right to life is the basic human right on which all others depend.
- All human beings have an equal right to life, before and after birth.
- Society has the duty to uphold and protect that right.
The purposes of the Corporation are:
- to create in the Ottawa community a love and respect for human life in all its forms;
- to provide without costs and in confidence services to members of the Ottawa community for the protection of human life in all its forms;
- to establish and maintain programs of information and debate in furtherance of the objects of the Corporation;
- to compliment and sustain the work of other organizations whether incorporated or not which have objects similar in whole or in part to the objects of the Corporation;
The objects of the Corporation are:
- to uphold the dignity of human life;
- to uphold the inviolability of human life from the time of conception until natural death;
- to protect the interests of the unborn child, the chronically ill, the physically and mentally disabled, and the elderly;
- to provide information pertaining to the objects hereinbefore contained to individuals, public or private groups, associations, and authorities;
- and to assist in the establishment of groups and organizations within the Province of Ontario which will have objects similar to those of the Corporation