Launch of
Alliance for Life Ontario is pleased to announce the launch of its latest educational website, “” and also the beginning of the 2020 Reaching Minds Through Media Social Media Campaign.
[Every pro-life person or organization] “each of us is bound by God’s laws to respect the dignity of each human being from God’s creation until his death.”
~ Judy Brown
We are very happy to have completed such an essential website which will inform the public of little known facts regarding the abortion pill reversal procedure and how it can offer women a Second Chance to hold their little ones in their arms, even after taking the abortion pill (Mifepristone), the “first step” of the Mifegymiso abortion protocol.
We know that being unexpectedly pregnant can be scary and confusing, but when we feel scared and confused it is no time to be making such a monumental and tragic decision as undergoing a chemical abortion. Our message to these women young and not so young is, “Don’t let your fear decide yours or your baby’s future”. If a young woman has taken the first pill already, she can call 1 888 612 3960 within 24-72 hours or visit the Live Chat on the site. If she has undergone the whole procedure, she can still call the 1 888 line or our pregnancy help line at 1 866 966 6411 or any of the groups listed on our page offering post-abortion help or again she can visit the Live Chat port on the site.
We have endeavoured through written word and video to assure the women visiting our site who are thinking of taking Mifegymiso, have started the process or sadly completed it, that there is help for them wherever they are in this abortion process. We have provided factual information:
- Regarding the abortion pill process itself
- The harm that many Canadian women and others have suffered after undergoing a chemical abortion
- We have questioned whether women considering a chemical abortion are receiving full information on the current Consent form or Patient Medical Information sheet regarding Mifegymiso
- The abortion pill reversal process
- Referenced proof that the abortion pill reversal procedure is a success currently 64%-68% of the time
- Personal testimony from women who have undergone abortion pill reversal
- Pregnancy support contact information
- Post abortion help contact information
- Abortion Pill Reversal contact information
- A LiveChat portal on the abortion pill reversal site
Informative videos with medical doctors who have practiced the abortion pill reversal technique .