The documentary film Fatal Flaws produced by Dunn Media and the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition (EPC) is available from our resource centre. We also purchased the brochure made expressly for the film. The brochure presents actual stories featured in the documentary. One such story is that of Candice, a young woman from Newfoundland living with disabilities.

According to a blog post by the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: “In September 2016 Candice went to the emergency room at Charles S. Curtis Memorial Hospital in St. Anthony after having seizures. A doctor told her she was very sick and likely to die soon. He offered her assisted suicide. The doctor also proposed assisted suicide for Candice to her mother Sheila Elson.

This offer was repeated despite both Candice and her mother making it clear that this was not an option Candice would consider.”

What happened to her while in hospital is recounted in the film and the brochure:

“Sheila (Candice’s mother): She got sick at home. We got the ambulance. When we got her to the hospital she was having seizures…she was admitted. The next day the doctor came in and talked to her. He then took me out in the hallway…and he asked me if I knew that assisted suicide was legal in Canada. I said no. And then he said he was all for it, and I said, “Well that was your choice”. I told him I wasn’t interested in anything to do with assisted suicide. He told me I was being selfish and he said he wanted to assist me in doing this and I said I’m not interested. Candice heard everything…

Candice and her mother during the interview (photo EPC)

Interviewer (to Candice): I remember they said (on the news story)), “Did you want to die?” What did you say?

Candice: I don’t want to go.

Sheila: Not once did she say to them, “I want to end my life.” The doctor came in the next day after he told me about assisted suicide, stuck his face down in Candice’s and said, “Do you know how sick you are?” When I got his eye contact we went out in the hallway and I told him, “Don’t you ever pull something like that again”

Candice’s heath had returned by the time she was interviewed but the experience had left its mark. Her mother comforted her by saying, It’s over. We just don’t want it to happen to anybody else, hey? We don’t want another family to go through this.”

The EPC provides us with good news concerning Candice: “More than twelve months later Candice has recovered well and her health was much improved. Candice hasn’t been having any seizures, is now able to feed herself, walk with assistance, use her iPad. She is more alert, energetic and communicative. She was able to “walk” down the aisle as a bridesmaid at her sister’s wedding in August 2017. She is doing what she loves most, painting and being with her family.”

Fatal Flaws looks at the consequences of legalizing euthanasia and assisted suicide. You soon discover that it’s not about choice or autonomy. The video can be borrowed from our office free of charge. Brochures are available as well.