The Office of the Chief Coroner/Ontario Forensic Pathology Service released its data on euthanasia (MAID) services in the province. At the end of December 2019, Ontario had 4,318 completed euthanasia deaths. This statistic is for the period beginning June 17, 2016 and ending December 31,2019. Of these, 4,317 were clinician administered meaning that a physician or nurse practitioner delivered the lethal injection. There was only one case of self-administration where the patient is provided with a lethal dose of drugs and ingests the lethal cocktail.

47% of euthanasia deaths occurred in hospital while 43% were done in a private residence setting. The remainder were done either in a retirement home/seniors residence or in a long term care facility or nursing home.

Cases were evenly divided between men and women: 50% men, 50% women.

Underlying conditions reported as reason for euthanasia:

Cancer- related:63%

Neurodegenerative: 11%

Circulatory/Respiratory: 17%

Other: 9%.

In 36 cases, the euthanasia death was followed by organ donation.

The data show that for Ottawa, there were 372 cases of euthanasia (MAID).

Keep in mind, when you hear the words MAID or medical assistance in dying, it means euthanasia. 

Canadians need quality palliative care not euthanasia.