by Patricia Maloney Tuesday, June 30, 2020By Patricia Maloney

Live birth abortions from Statistics Canada: Termination of pregnancy, affecting fetus and newborn [P96.4]

I’ve reported on these Stats Canada’s livebirth abortions, and CIHI’s livebirth abortions, many times before.

Statistics Canada’s and the Canadian Institute for Health Information’s (CIHI) livebirth abortion numbers are never the same. I’ve never been able to get an answer as to why their numbers are always different.

We still don’t know why these late term abortions result in babies born alive. We still don’t know what happens to these little souls when it happens. We do know that they died because they are reported as a death by Stats Canada. Are these tiny humans held and comforted as they wait to die? Are they thrown into the garbage? How much do they suffer? Did anyone ask them what they wanted?

These livebirth abortions are shameful. They are a tragedy. And they continue to happen year after year.